And So To France

Calvados, Moyaux                                                                                                                                                 Camping Le Colombier June 2008

Finally made it to France (please excuse any mistakes as French keyboards are different - not qerty but azerty, and lots of other things are in the wrong place!) We had a good crossing, which took 6 hours, followed by an easy drive to campsite on roads refreshingly free of traffic compared to SW England. The campsite,Le Colombier,is in the grounds of an old chateau and liberally dotted with trees. Unfortunately we had a slight disagreement with one of them, to the detriment of the caravan! We then discovered we couldnt erect our awning due to closeness of said trees! So, another lesson learnt - choose pitch with great care, looking up as well as down!

As we were sitting outside later, enjoying an excellent meal from the campsites own takeaway it started raining and continued nonstop for the next 30 hours.So next day (Tues) we went to Caen, to visit art gallery and bank; the gallery was closed, but we managed to open a French bank account. Caen is no doubt a fine historic town but in the pouring rain its charms were considerably reduced so we drove back to the campsite, stopping en route at a supermarket . While queuing at the checkout a bottle of coke fell off the conveyer belt and exploded, completely soaking John. This put the finishing touch to a somewhat dismal day!

However, today (Wed) the sun is shining intermittently and we have risked hanging out a load of washing; we will visit the coast at Honfleur this afternoon. Tomorrow we drive 230 miles to the SW corner of Brittany and, hopefully, better weather!