Our route

Our route

Three years since our last caravan trip abroad we decided to give it another go.  John's health had precluded too strenuous a trip but with a clean(ish) bill of health was keen to set off again.  Lesley naturally was a bit nervous, so this perhaps would be our last trip or maybe a fresh beginning.  All would depend on the campsites, the weather and the driving.  We knew, at least, that the areas we were targetting would be interesting

Latest comments

28.12 | 08:07

I live in Nysa Poland that is south west on the cheq border.

22.12 | 20:48

Good to hear from you Liam. I recognise your name from EUnitySeahaven. Where in Poland do you live? We enjoyed what we saw, but of course it was only a small corner

22.12 | 14:43

I live in Nysa in Poland. I shall have to visit in the new year when I have my new phone.

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